Chiropractic comes from the Greek word; Chiropraktikos meaning “effective healing treatment by hand”. Doctors of Chiropractic, called Chiropractors, are trained in neuro-musculoskeletal analysis and physiology of the human body and detection of abnormal spinal or joint function. The premise of Chiropractic care is that all body functions are the result of neurological energy, “nerve impulse”, emanating from the central nervous system. It is the neurological impulse that is the life source for all body functions. Spinal nerve roots which are an extension of the central nervous system exit the spine to carry the neurological impulse, our life source, to all body parts and systems. It is through trauma, stress, repetitive activities, or pathology that a spinal vertebra may become misaligned called a “Spinal Subluxation”, that or the neurological impulse may become compromised; a “Pinched Nerve”. Doctors of Chiropractic such as Dr. Glen M. Batson, of Batson Chiropractic Willowbrook Il, a Palmer College of Chiropractic Graduate, are trained in spinal and body bio-mechanics for the detection of, and restoration of, the subluxation or joint dysfunction. It is through gentle spinal and joint manipulation, Chiropractic care as coined by the Greeks, that Doctors of Chiropractic are able to help restore health. The essence of Chiropractic care is that the body has innate intelligence to heal itself if given the proper neurological and musculoskeletal balance. Our Spine Is our Life Line!!
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